Dear PSI visitor,
Hereby we want to give you all the information about our products and private label productions.
Our Production/wholesale website:
Our Brands are:
All these prices are with small margins and calculated with Euro/USD : 1.30.
So, when an order is placed we need to check on Eur/USD
All prices are ex VAT.
All consumer prices are incl VAT.
Light sets:
Price 4 euro’s
We can deliver small from stock
Private label productions 90 days lead-time.
Logo stamp in silicone: to be checked on demand.
Full color prints 80mm ding dong bells.
Also 60mm possible.
Good quality.
Sound travels reaches about 30-40 meters.
These ARTbell can be delivered from the shelf.
1 box is 60 bells.
Wholesale price 3,85 euro’s
Shop price 5,35
Consumerprice 14,95.
Private label bells:
500 pieces > 3,90 euro
1.000 pieces> 3,50 euro
Leadtime 90 days.
Inclusief carton printed and PET cubus.
Cheetah U-locks with integrated lights.
The most practical lock in the market.
Consumer price 39,95 euro incl VAT
re-seller price 19,95 .
-MOQ 10 pcs=1 box
Private label production is possible
MOQ 1.000 pieces.
Leadtime about 90 days/
price 18 euro.
We produce unique Baskets form Palmleaves.
These baskets are really new and unique in Bicycle land and very eco.
Made by two villages in Gambia.
Price are 12,50 for small ones and 14,50 for big ones.
Consumer pricers around 30 euro.
Cheetah Bikes:
Our branded bikes are for available by 1 piece.
Price 189 euro.
Consumer price 389-409 euro
We always have stock of our own brand as we deliver to 200 shops in Europe.
Check for actual offer of colours or contact us .
We’ll show you our stock to choose from.
Some sample colours combi’s.
Private label production:
Yes, we can do these bikes in Private label.
Same price 189 euro
MOQ 300-350 pieces.
We buy our parts in China and Taiwan.
Then we ship the Poland, to have them Asemblied, powder coated
paint and hand spoked. This assures us the right quality we want.
Lead time about 30 days.
Sample private label for an American Hair Care Producer.
Brandless cheaper fixie:
We always have brand less bikes on stock:
MOQ: 1 bikes
They cost 169.
10-50 pieces 159
50+ pieces 149
Now on stock, to be delivered immediately.
-full Black
-full white
Vangogh Bikes:
Our branded bikes are for available by 1 piece.
Price 169 euro for Shimano 7 speed.
139 euro for Coasterbrake/ 1 speed
Consumer price 299 euro 1 speed and 369 euro for 7 speed.
We always have stock of our own brand as we deliver to 200 shops in Europe.
Check for actual offer of colours or contact us .
We’ll show you our stock to choose from.
Some sample colours combi’s.
Private Label:
These bikes can also be produced in your own brand.
Leadtime about 90 days. Same prices. MOQ 300 pieces.
If you want any special thing from Bicycle land, we can find it for you.
Foling bikes
Fatbikes: Coming soon.
More locks, like chains.
All is possible.
Thank you
Sales and Production team
Floris van Heteren
Michael Dudzinski.